Clarion Liar…err…the
Clarion Ledger
(my bad—old habits die hard.) has printed the uncensored version of
Eudora Welty’s “Where Is the Voice Coming From?,” which is Welty’s
reaction to the assassination of Medgar Evers, and y’all can read it at the
Clarion Ledger.
I’ve been aware of both versions of Welty’s “Where Is the Voice Coming
From?” for years. It’s a good story, but not my favorite by Welty. My
favorite Welty story is “A Worn Path.” However, “Where Is the Voice
Coming From?” excellently captures the rage and neurosis of Byron De La
Beckwith, but I have always felt that the story also makes Beckwith’s
actions too singular or individual. So, on the one hand “Where Is the
Voice Coming From?” is another example of Welty’s brilliance with
language. (“Why I Live at the PO” is another story that showcases her
wonderful use of the vernacular.) Yet, by focusing so much on
Beckwith’s singular or individual rage, Welty seems to pardon
institutional racism. Ultimately, even the title of the story, “Where
Is the Voice Coming From?” has an air of what James Baldwin called
“selective naiveté” in that it almost completely makes Beckwith’s attack
a singular or individual act rather than showing Beckwith’s action as a
symbol of the legal and institutionalized racism that gripped
Mississippi, the South, and America. We know that Beckwith’s actions
were coordinated, to a degree, with help from information gathered by
the White Citizens Council and the Sovereignty Commission and that
Beckwith understood, because of the manner that white supremacy
permeated every aspect of Mississippi, that there was no jury in 1963
that would convict him. So while I like the story for Welty’s ability
to expose the raw rage and neurosis of Beckwith, especially through her
wonderful troping of his language, I’ve always felt that the story also
seems to shift the responsibility of the crimes against African
Americans from the states and nation to individual loose cannons, which
was not the case, unless we agree that the vast majority of white
Southerners and white Americans were a collection of loose Jim Crow
cannons. Of course others have countered that Welty is making Beckwith
an allegorical figure for the raging flame of Mississippi racism, and
while I don’t see/read him being presented entirely that way, I give her
credit for being willing to have the conversation in 1963. And what’s
even more ironic or hypocritical is that the
New Yorker—the
bastion of white liberalism—forced her to change the names of places and
people so as not to offend and enflame white southern and white
American sensibilities. Once, again, the truth of white supremacy, even
in poetic or fictionalized form, is deemed too radical or too militant
to publish. That’s…just…funny… If you have never read either version,
here is a chance, and feel free to tell me what you think. Take care.
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